GB's products are made in our factory in Nieuwkoop. The quality must be reliable because many of our products have a structural function in buildings. Those buildings, in turn, must provide years of safety and comfort. Although many of our products disappear behind the brickwork or panelling during construction, their condition remains extremely important. So, GB products simply must be very good.

Of course, we apply this high standard to the products that are also visible. Our garden fittings, for example, serve an aesthetic purpose in addition to being structural and practical. The product must function properly throughout the seasons while also looking good.

Our base material

Virtually our entire range is manufactured from three types of base material:

Steel strip | for e.g., corners, element anchors and joist supports

Wire steel | for e.g., cavity anchors, wall plate anchors and bolts

Plastic | for e.g., shims, pressure plates and dowels

Within these three categories, different variants with their specific properties are again used. Click on the links above to learn more about the different material types and surface treatments as we apply them to GB's products.

Finished products and raw materials from close-by

GB's products are produced in the Netherlands. The raw materials required come mainly from Western Europe, which saves transport movements and the environment. In addition, there is above-average initiative from Western Europe to reduce or even neutralise emissions around raw material production.

We also have more insight into the quality of raw materials when they come from close by. And because GB's products tend to have structural value, the quality of both the finished product and the raw material is of great importance. 

A third reason for sourcing base materials within the western part of our continent is availability and continuity of supply. Our motto is that we must always have a solution for our customers in-house, and that means we must be able to rely on our suppliers.

Composition and durability

GB strives to procure as much recycled material as possible. We do this with a critical eye towards the material specifications. Because, obviously, the finished products must meet the quality requirements of the application.

Wire steel

The strip and wire steel used by GB to make products contains recycled material. To what extent depends partly on the availability of scrap on the steel market. As metal can be infinitely recycled, our products can always be converted back into raw material for a new product at the end of their useful life.


The same applies to plastic products as to steel products. The availability of recyclable material on the raw material market determines its share in the base material. As the demand for recycled material increases from the perspective of sustainability, a shortage of such base material may arise. This means that the share of recycled material (regranulate) will become lower.

Often, our products are still in good condition after their first use. In that case, they can be reused, for instance in circular construction concepts. In other cases, released products can be recycled into new base materials.

Certification & standards

Within the construction industry, requirements are set for the quality of the basic material and/or surface treatment, among other things. For cavity anchors, for example, the environmental classes in accordance with NEN-EN845-1 apply. This prescribes that in external walls, cavity anchors with a minimum quality of RVS 316 should almost always be used.

For timber joints, the climate classes according to EN1995-1-1 from Eurocode 5 apply. These describe the minimum surface treatment that products such as joist supports must have had.

So there are different authorities, regulations and standards. Our technical advisors are well informed and will be happy to advise you on this.
